If you are like me who has an interest in technology but not enough to be called a techie, this article is for you.
Being around technology enthusiasts can be very intimidating especially when you are still building up your technology vocabulary. It could also be very boring.
I have been around techies for a while now, attended several
hackathons and have gathered the main highlights of my experience in
this article.
Before I go further, I believe a definition would help. A hackathon
is an event, typically lasting several days, in which a large number of
people meet to engage in collaborative computer programming.
Here are some things you need to know before attending one.
A hackathon is just that — A hackathon
Do not expect anything more. A group of techies coming together to
make non-techies feel awkward. To avoid being seen as a novice, you have
to pretend to understand the things they are talking about (even though you don’t). Put in comments, say things like ‘oh really?’ ‘That’s a nice one’
Expect to hear some words being used repeatedly
Words like ‘innovation’, ‘startup’, ‘hub’, ‘prototype’, ‘database’ are some of the words you will commonly hear
at a hackathon. To avoid looking like an alien in the techsphere, you
should look up these words before attending. This will help you know the
difference between a startup and a small-scale business. Yes, in case
you didn’t know, there is a difference between the two (thank me later).
Go with a laptop, pad, phone or any gadget you can take notes in but not a book!
Yes, do not take a notebook to take down notes. As normal as it seems
to you, it is weird to techies. Writing on a paper makes you look
outdated and backwards. To avoid strange looks, take notes on a gadget.
Do not expect anything fancy
The halls won’t be decorated with beautiful draping and lights (it is
not a red carpet event). Do not expect background music either — it
distracts them. Expect a hall decorated with roll-up banners of
different companies and organisations.
Move around — interact
Do not seat like you are glued to your chair. Walk around and interact — Network!
You may not know anyone there, well except for the people you came
with, but that should not stop you. Walk over to the next table or team
as the case may be and say hi. You need not worry a conversation would
ensue from there.
If there is one thing techies know how to do, it’s networking,
interacting. Who knows, you might just meet someone that knows someone
who needs your services or products. One more thing, to facilitate easy
movement; please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Smile and look like you are having fun
Even though you find it boring, do not keep a straight face, wear a
smile. This would help you avoid some annoying questions like ‘are you
bored?’ And you dare not say yes. Techies believe it is not possible to
be bored with talks about technology. “Technology is everything’ they
always say. Don’t be offended by this, they are simply in love.
Don’t talk to the guys seriously punching their laptop
Chances are, you are disturbing them. They may give you their
attention and answer your questions, even keep the conversation going.
But the truth is, they would actually prefer it if you let them be. They
are working and have to beat the time. Look for others who are “less”
busy to engage in a conversation
Do not bother dressing for an event
Techies are not fashion conscious. They are the last people to bother
about matching colours and patterns. You should not bother dressing up
as much because no one would even notice. You would see different
mismatches and colour riots, so to be able to survive the event, become
colour-blind or fashion-dead. For the most part, the ones well dressed
are the females and a few guys who wear a jean (mostly faded) and a tee
shirt — that’s just as good as it gets.
This is quite understandable. They barely get enough sleep with all
the time they spend in front of computers, so, the last thing they would
be bothered about is fashion.
It seems to be that the more of a techie you are, the less concerned you are about your appearance (just my opinion)
I only wish I had read an article like this before attending a
hackathon. I would have been well prepared. Anyway, I hope you found
this helpful.
A non-techie’s guide to attending tech events
Reviewed by mosjoe
Rating: 5
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